EDAP HIFU and Lithotripsy Devices Showcased at 31st Annual European Association of Urology Congress
EDAP HIFU and Lithotripsy Devices Showcased at 31st Annual European Association of Urology Congress
The EAU congress is one of the preeminent international events dedicated to the urology community. EDAP presented posters and videos showing clinical results of trials using its Ablatherm® and Focal One® HIFU devices, while at the EDAP booth, the Company featured continuous demonstrations of its Focal One® Robotic HIFU and its lithotripsy devices. The booth also hosted numerous discussions among current and prospective users of EDAP's technology.
Additionally, a forum dedicated to technological and clinical advancements using EDAP's HIFU technology gathered experienced Ablatherm and Focal One practitioners and key opinion leaders, including:
- Dr. S. Thueroff, from
Harlaching Hospital ,Munich, Germany , - Pr.
P. Rischman fromRangueil University Hospital ,Toulouse, France , - Pr.
R. van Velthoven , from Institut Bordet Oncology Center,Brussels, Belgium , and - Pr.
S. Crouzet , fromEdouard Herriot University Hospital ,Lyon, France .
Forward-Looking Statements
In addition to historical information, this press release may contain forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including matters not yet known to us or not currently considered material by us, and there can be no assurance that anticipated events will occur or that the objectives set out will actually be achieved. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from the results anticipated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the clinical status and market acceptance of our HIFU devices and the continued market potential for our lithotripsy device. Factors that may cause such a difference also may include, but are not limited to, those described in the Company's filings with the
Contact:Source:Blandine Confort Investor Relations / Legal AffairsEDAP TMS SA +33 4 72 15 31 72 bconfort@edap-tms.com Investors:Lee Roth The Ruth Group 646-536-7012 lroth@theruthgroup.com
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